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First off, we would like to thank all of our new supporters from Ft. Worth and a special thanks to Yoshiko and Kaoru and Yuri for opening their doors to us and organizing the festivities. We had a wonderful time meeting everybody and visiting with you Sunday. It was just a fantastic and relaxing day for both Chie and me. Im sorry I spoke so little. I
tend to get a little emotional and could go on for hours about all we have been through and how much it means to us to have you
r help, but it always ends up with me crying a river. I so did not want to have to end such a good day like that, again. I much prefer and its much easier for me to do it at home by myself while Chie is sleeping and I write the blog, arigatogozaimasu. Chie was so happy to have made so many new friends. She just loved the Chie Bingo. What a creative and cool idea. For everyone not there, we played a game of Bingo dedicated to Chi
e. All the squares on the cards were things related to Chie and to get the square you had to know the meaning of its relationship. The judge was very generous and it was a lot of fun for everyone. It was a great way for everyone to learn more about Chie and her past. She, of course, loved everyones cooking, almost knocking out the leftovers shortly upon returning home. Tako Yaki was awesome and I am so embarrassed to not know how to make it. It is something I must learn to cook soon. She talked all the way home about having to organize everyones phone number and telling me what we need to do to say thank you to everyone. It was very cute. We thank you all for everything; your co
ntributions, gifts, cooking, conversation, kindness and friendship, but most of all, I thank you for the smile on her face and the happiness in her eyes, that is something you could not buy with all the money in the world. It means so much to Chie to have friends and be accepted, especially now, as the journey grows long, progress comes at a slow but steady pace, her awareness heightens to the realization of the depth of her situation. We both fell pretty scared, lost and alone at times when wondering what we will do next or what will happen in the future. It's these times when you learn the value and importance of things like, a smile, laughter, and friendship. For that we thank not only you, but everyone taking part in Chie's recovery from this unfortunate incident and the life you are giving her. We could not do it without youChie and DavidPS I ll post pictures soon. I seem to have forgotten my camera at Kaoru's place, summahenna, Gomen.