WELL, It looks like summer is over for Chie too. We received a call the other day that informed us all the paper work was complete and in order, so we are set to begin at Pate Rehabilitation on Tuesday the 2nd, YEA!!!! It kind of caught us off guard with school just starting, the party, setting up a home therapy routine for Chie etc.... We have been saying September 1st is when the funds will be dispursed and we are at the top of the list, but we did not know at what speed the process would move from when the funds were given out. We had heard some horror stories of people having to wait more than a month. We had some other distractions that kept us from realizing , its September already!
WELL, It looks like summer is over for Chie too. We received a call the other day that informed us all the paper work was complete and in order, so we are set to begin at Pate Rehabilitation on Tuesday the 2nd, YEA!!!! It kind of caught us off guard with school just starting, the party, setting up a home therapy routine for Chie etc.... We have been saying September 1st is when the funds will be dispursed and we are at the top of the list, but we did not know at what speed the process would move from when the funds were given out. We had heard some horror stories of people having to wait more than a month. We had some other distractions that kept us from realizing , its September already!
We are very happy to have been able to get into this rehab and we will receive 6 months of treatment thanks to DARS (disabled Assistive Rehabilitative Services). We have already toured the facility and Chie is very excited to go there. She knows many people who have gone to Pate. The schedule and program looks really good. Chie will take part in making her own schedule, planning activities or tasks that interest and pertain to her, managing her time to do such things, and planning outings. When we went to tour the place, Chie had worked out her own little test with Sheila to see whether or not this place was alright. I did not know about it since Chie went directly to Pate from Sheila's house where she had her first sleepover!! Anyways, Chie tells Sheila, "If this lady takes me to the bathroom when I ask, then they alright." Thankfully the lady did not even hesitate when Chie asked to use the restroom during the interview. That's all I needed was to have to have to go through a round of battling over who takes her to the bathroom, but I have to admit, I was proud of her. It seemed like valid test to me after some of the rotten things we have been through by some of the laziest, least inteligent people on the planet. I cringe just thinking about them and I pray I never run across them on the street.
So, now with Pate passing with flying colors we will begin Tuesday. I will be off this week getting her admitted and meeting with therapist, counselors, etc... As soon as we get settled I will find out the lunch procedure for those of you who bring food and eat with her. I do ask that everyone please wait a couple of weeks so that she can get settled into the routine without any distractions and focus on her work at hand. I'll be sure and update you all to let you know how she is doing and when she is ready to have visitors. I will be making
sure she has a good breakfast, as I am sure she will be talking to her new found friends, a lot.
Would like to thank everyone who helped us through this little transition period. Bobby, I dont know what I would have done without your help. We are forever in your debts brother. Bobby got a real taste of what it is like to be with Chie 24/7 since he stayed for a total of 6 weeks to help out during summer school and until Chie got into Pate. He left with a whole new respect for the word patience and probaly one he
has not had since raising kids. He didnt get a chance to meet everyone at the party, but he was responsible of all the good food coming off the grill. Thank you to the Junko, Akiko, and Megumi for making that long drive from Keller to check up on Chie in the Afternoons while I was at school.
It was no small task, but with all of your help we were able to keep Chie working over the summer and hopefully somewhat ready for Pate. She continued with her walker, making all the way to the stop sign and back, she used the grabber, finally, for the first time while playing with Udon in the yard, she has been reading a story a day from her Japanese folk tale book that Keiko sensei gave her, she beat both Bobby and me at Othello repeatedly, practiced piano (if you thought you were tired of hearing The Star Spangled Banner from the Olympics, you ought to drop by our house these days), treasure hunt, categories, boggle, family feud, Jeopardy (well, that was mainly Bobby and I), sorting medicines, washing the car, folding clothes, and whatever else we could think of that could be seen as therapy, she did it. We even got her to use the computer, FINALLY!!!! I have been trying for six months to get her to use the computer but she just hasnt had any interest in it. Now, after some minor repairs, we have it hooked up to the huge TV, as she calls it, and she can see it! I am guessing that was the problem with the other one we have. We played some games on the internet to keep her mind sharp and then she got a call from her old friends Shochan, Nagurian, and Nichan. I had the big keyboard out, the giant Mouse ready, and showed her an email with great big monsterous type that she could read with ease, and then came the words Ive been waiting to hear, "I want to write them back , on the computer" Finally! and so she did. Thank you girls for calling. Chie didnt mean to cry, but wanted to let you know she was just so excited to hear from you. Its been a while since anyone has contacted her from Japan. Anyways, We tried to make it a working holiday so to speak.
Well , I will keep you updated frequently as we make the transition, but I am going to stop now because Chie wants to TYPE her first blog entry right after this,,,,,,YEA!
Thank you all for making her recovery a success!