Chie has been in very good spirits the last few times I have spoken with her!! We were able to speak on the webcam and I could snap a picture of her to show you. She also sent me a picture yesterday via her phone. She has been in pretty good spirits and generally seems happy. She continues at here rehab and is working hard everyday. She told me she was practicing standing in her room the other day. I am not sure if she was supposed to be doing that or not, she would not say even if she wasn't, lol.
Her friends seem to be visiting pretty regularly on the weekends so that is good. We thank everyone who continues to support her and visit her. It does mean a lot to her. She got to go shopping yesterday!! I know she enjoyed that. I wonder if she spent hours searching for a 5 dollar work shirt like she used to? And she wondered why I didnt want to go, lol.

She has been bothered by the fact that everyone keeps telling her its cold and she should wear a long sleeve shirt!!! Due to her injury , the hypothalamus was injured and it regulates her body temperature, so she does not feel cold nor does she want to wear a long sleeve shirt. Finally, she succumbed to the pressre and began wearing one two weeks ago. She said, , im not cold, but have on a long sleeve shirt cause everyone said I should wear one." It was very cute.
She said she was gaining weight too. I told her that it was ok, she is still the most beautiful girl i have ever seen. She has gained , about 8 kilos!!! That would put her way on up around 130 lbs. I think is much much too heavy, but I dont know what they think over in Japan. I know she got up around that weight when were were in the rehab and I about died!!1 She had a beer belly like mine and if you remember, that is when we made our plea for Japanese food, which you all so graciously provided, and she dropped that weight in no time. Chie had never weighed over 110lbs in her life before the accident. I was worried the wieght may hinder her recovery since she wasnt used to hauling that much body weight. Now , she is in japan, on her native diet, and gaining weight so I dont know what to say or do about that. Strangey!!
She said she will not be able to come home again until next year. I am hoping I can get the family to tell me when and we can have people come over to chat with her on the webcam so that she can see everyone . She misses you all so very much and longs to return to dallas.