Chie has enjoyed seeing everybody when you stop by, and when you drop off japanese treats. Finally, I can go a week without hearing Okonomiyaki. I thought I was never gonna find anyone to make okonomiyaki!! And the funny thing is, I dont ever remember her eating it much in japan. What has she been up to?? Not a whole lot, visiting with friends during the week and pretty much trying to take it easy on the weekends.
We did have a couple of highlights though. She has been asking to go to a sports event for some time now (that's what inspired the race night), so in the mail she finally received tickets to see the Mariners VS Rangers. We went on Saturday the 25 with hopes to see Ichiro but he was not playing. Saiyaku ne, we did get to see Johjima though and enjoyed ourselves thoroughly. She had peanut, nachos,and a hotdog!!!!! Plus, the Rangers actually managed to pull out a victory!!! It really made her feel good to get out and get to do something big!
She finally got out and helped water the yard as we all pitched in to do yard work. One mowing, one watering and one weedeating. It was group effort and the yard is looking good. Chie did pretty well watering except that she seemed to do much better at watering Yuri and I than she did at watering the grass. No worries though, it was hot enough that we could appreciate the cool water. She also got some time to visit with our neighbor and pet one of the dogs in our neighborhood. Good community activity for her. Her piano is improving as well. She is only doing scales but I am hearing her become more and more focussed each time she tries. Then last Saturday we celebrated our Assistant Sheila's Birthday as she turned 21, AGAIN!!!!! It wasnt much of a celebration but we tried to do what we could. She has been a life saver for us and we are so lucky to have her. We love ya Sheila and thank you for all your hard work. (Chie will be a bride's maid in her wedding this coming march!)
She is a bit depressed still from the extended stay and the constant frustration and difficulties of everyday routines, so we have been laying low on the weekends and taking some time to reflect. It is just so very hard for both of us to peer into our futures and not become overwhelmed with emotions. Chie is tryiing to stay strong and I too for her just as you have for us, Thank You All.
We did all get out in the yard a couple of weeks ago
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