Chie did very well during the party. She controlled her emotions and did not cry uncontrollably, which is something we have been working on for a while. She really carried herself well. Many many people had tears in their eyes, sad to say goodbye to Chie ( like me). Several people spoke about Chie; When the floor was opened up, it was silent and right in the front row was a young boy, in a wheelchair, tape on his glasses looking just as Chie did when we entered CNS. I speak to him often, but I had never heard him speak. He was the first one to raise his hand and he spoke up saying "thank you" to Chie. It was like it was right out of a movie or something. It was a very touching moment and we are proud of him. He seems to be following right in Chie's footsteps. We wish him all the best, I am sure he will go far. Her counselors reported on the progress she has made and what a miracle it is that she has come so far. They stressed how much of an impact her positive attitude and work ethic has had on her recovery. Her friends and patients spoke about her kindness and what an inspiration she is to virtually everyone she meets. And of course, everyone talked about how much she likes to "Talk!!" She is CNS' little social butterfly as Katie says.

**Suprise Guest**
Chie did have 3 unexpected guests come to her party and I think she may have been happiest to see one them who has been working with Chie longer than anyone else and always gets the biggest smile, and always gets most love from her, he is her favorite therapist and best best friend, Keeper! Keeper is a therapy dog who has been coming to see Chie for 2 years, ever since we were in Baylor Institute for Rehabilitation. Keeper came with Oliver and Roadie two more therapy dogs that Chie adores. There is one more that did not make it, but Chie wants to say " I Love You" to Beacher, who came the very first time with Keeper. She misses him much.
Chie spoke, to everyone saying goodbye and how greatful she was for their help, patience and skill that drove her to where she is now. She told other patients that she often dresses herself and David has to fix her clothes because she puts her clothes on backwards or inside out, and Chie is proud of herself for doing it too. It takes longer than it did before, but she wanted to wear her clothes, so she worked hard to get them on by herself. She told the patients that if they want to do something they should , and they should work hard to do it because its the only way. People will not always be there to do it for them. Chie finished by telling everyone
Chie spoke, to everyone saying goodbye and how greatful she was for their help, patience and skill that drove her to where she is now. She told other patients that she often dresses herself and David has to fix her clothes because she puts her clothes on backwards or inside out, and Chie is proud of herself for doing it too. It takes longer than it did before, but she wanted to wear her clothes, so she worked hard to get them on by herself. She told the patients that if they want to do something they should , and they should work hard to do it because its the only way. People will not always be there to do it for them. Chie finished by telling everyone

"Where there is a will, there is a way."
Two years is a long time so we have grown close to many of the patients and staff at CNS. They have become our friends and kind of a second family to us. We are thankful for all their work and help and we will miss them dearly. We will be back to see everyone from time to time so its not a goodbye. I was so so proud of her. She handled the occasion with grace and poise and the strength and independence of the Chie before the accident. I could not have been happier for her, and proud beyond measure. To come from so little; loss of conciousness, could not swallow, could not speak, broken bones, no movement in the left side at all, memory gone, could not even tell me what was in a salad! And then to see her now, is incredible, to say the least. I know that, NO, Chie is nowhere near where she was before the accident, but for her to come back day after day in such a positive light, giving her all to get better. It is hard not to realize what a special, SPECIAL INDIVIDUAL she really is
.... Remarkable
It was nice to see you on campus.
Just a reminder note: For practice in English on the computer - Richland's ESL Lab in M227 has reading, speaking, listening, writing, and grammar software programs. I can send you a list of what we have. and you're welcome to come anytime we are open or I'm here. susan (972-238-6901)
For Japanese practice, you might see if the Bonham 217 language lab (Delfina: 972-238-6909) has some Japanese video program -- I think we do have such.
Thank you so much Susan, we do appreciate it and will be in touch.
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