Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving


We would like to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving. We hope you all enjoy lots of turkey with family and friends.

I have always loved the holiday season so much. Turkey, Family, Friends, The Cowboys, Christmas Lights, Cards, Presents, Holiday Cheer, and the Chance of it Snowing. It was always such a happy time in my life and my memories. Buying presents and suprising people with something they really wanted. The holiday cheer that made me always want to do a little something extra for somebody in need like, donating gifts or old coats to those who did not have one. I took such pride in that and that of my Nana, because my mom always told me how my Nana, Dad's mother, would go to the store and pick out a cart of food and a turkey. Then she would tell the guy who worked there to make up 6 more of just what she had chosen. She would go and put them on the porches of those in need just before Christmas. I asked if she knew the people she gave them to and my Mom said that she did not and she never left a card or anything. She never wanted them to know it was from her. I always thought that was so cool of her, and I always rememberred that and wanted to be like that.

I guess this is why I find it so hard to be in my position now. never really understood words like "need" and "want" for me personally. I could tell you what you needed or wanted and how you could get them, but I was ok, didnt really need anything. Even when I was out on my own at 18, I always worked or did something to make money. There was always a means to make the money and it all seemed so easy. I had never had to ask anyone for anything and so now, in the current sinkhole I find myself submerged in, it makes me terribly uncomfortable and weak. We just found out that social security has denied disability for Chie, and I am not thankful for that. We really needed that. So lost and helpless. I feel as though I am at the bottom of a well with water pouring in and I am trying to get climb out but just keep slipping back down. I just dont see any end to it, like there is no way of getting the upper hand back. We are going to be in this hole forever, makes me wanna scream!!!!

Thanksgiving was really just, Eat a ton of turkey and watch the Cowboys day. Never really thought to much about the "Thanks" part. I guess I kind of took it all for granted. Now, I look at the hole I am in and I know it doesn't seem like we have much to be thankful for, but we do. It is a real struggle to pull something positive out of this but I am trying hard, ,, to , ,,,, always look on the bright side of life, yes! It seems like we have more to be thankful for now than ever before. I guess it takes these hard times to build your character make you more weathered. We are thankful, thankful for every little thing right now. The list is a mile long and you, Chie supporters, doctors, therapists, are at the top. Helpless, embarrassed, humbled, sad, and Thankful!

Today that thankfullness is what is going to get me out of bed and make another go of things. I somehow have to find a way to say or show that we are thankful.

Happy Thanksgiving, and Thank you


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