The Grinch Who Stole Christmas
A Holiday Parade

starring CHIE
Staying busy as usual Chie was the star of the parade hosted by her rehab. We were all very excited about it. She put a lot of thought into her part. She watched "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" at rehab and really enjoyed it. Then she had to study it and really pay attention to the detail, such as her face in these pictures.
She really went all out choosing her green outfit to wear and making sure she had found someone who would loan her a hat. Her lead therapist had the dog and 1 antler so they were ready to go!! 

Everyone from the rehab went out to Anna Texas to their ranch there and took part in or watched the parade. Chie had a ball!!
She was so excited and happy. I wish I could have been there to see her, but unfortunately I had to go have CT scans done for that kidney stone that rendered me out of commission a few weeks back. She said they had a great time out at the ranch. They had a good lunch and the parade was SSSUUUUUGGGOOOOIIII!!!!!! 
Thank you to whoever got the pictures for us. We aprreciate that very much. Im sorry its just now to get them posted, but busy as usual.
Thank you to all who make it possible
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